

Yezdandokht St. Ankawa, Erbil, Iraq 
+964 (0) 750 230 9873

Category: News


The Launch of Climate Change Responsive Schools (CCRS)

We’re thrilled to launch Climate Change Responsive Schools (CCRS) with the generous support of Embrace Middle East, in Ankawa, Erbil. This project is a transformative initiative following the success of AHC’s previous project, Climate Change Adaptation Solutions. Our mission is to educate and empower students, teachers, and families about climate change while fostering sustainable practices within schools.

With CCRS, we are taking steps towards a greener future. A primary focus of ours is the reduction of plastic waste. The project will shift the schools’ reliance on single-use bottles to eco-friendly, reusable water bottles, actively promoting a switch towards cleaner sustainable practices. This small change has the potential to make a significant impact by lowering the plastic waste of schools and raising awareness of the participants to adopt more responsible environmentally friendly behaviors.

Furthermore, participating schools will benefit from filtering and cooling water systems AHC will provide, ensuring access to clean and filtered water while simultaneously reducing their reliance on single-use plastics. This is an opportunity for us to make a tangible difference in our community.

Moreover, CCRS will actively collaborate with school administrations to implement green policies, transforming schools into environmentally friendly spaces.

For more information, check out CCRS’ webpage: Climate Change Responsive Schools Project – AHC (ankawahc.org)

يسعدنا أن نعلن عن إطلاق مشروعالمدارس المستجيبة للتغير المناخيفي عنكاوا، أربيل، بدعم من منظمة Embrace the Middle East وهذه المبادرة تأتي بعد نجاح مشروعنا السابقحلول التكيف مع التغيرات المناخية“. هدفنا هو تعليم وتمكين الطلاب والمعلمين والأسر حول التغيرات المناخية وتعزيز الممارسات المستدامة داخل المدارس.

من خلال هذا المشروع، نتخذ خطوات نحو مستقبل أكثر خضرة. يكمن تركيزنا الأساسي في تقليل نفايات البلاستيك. سنقوم بتبديل الزجاجات ذات الاستخدام الواحد بزجاجات مياه صديقة للبيئة وقابلة لإعادة الاستعمال، مما يعزز بنشاط التحول نحو ممارسات مستدامة أنظف. هذا التغيير الصغير لديه القدرة على إحداث تأثير كبير من خلال خفض النفايات البلاستيكية في المدارس وزيادة وعي المشاركين لتبني سلوكيات أكثر مسؤولية صديقة للبيئة

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ستستفيد المدارس المشاركة من انظمة تصفية وتبريد للمياه، مما يضمن الوصول إلى مياه نظيفة ومنعشة مع الحد من الاعتماد على البلاستيك ذو الاستخدام الواحد. هذه فرصة لنا للقيام بفرق ملموس في مجتمعنا.

علاوة على ذلك، سنتعاون بنشاط مع إدارات المدارس لتنفيذ سياسات بيئية، مما يحول المدارس إلى مساحات صديقة للبيئة.

يمكنك الاطلاع على المزيد من المعلومات حول المشروع على الرابط التالي: ankawahc.org/ccrs


AHC’s Participation in the Donor Round Table: Empowering Local Organizations for a Sustainable Future

We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to participate in the donor round table organized by the Catholic Relief Committee (CRC) and its partners on May 10, 2023. It was a privilege for AHC to showcase our impactful activities, projects, and our vision for the future.

During the event, we had the honor of presenting our work to distinguished representatives from CRS, IOM, and USAID. It was a valuable platform to highlight the efforts and achievements of AHC, emphasizing our commitment to serving our beloved community.

The round table served as a crucial opportunity to discuss the empowerment of local organizations and finding solutions to overcome challenges. By collaborating with esteemed partners, we aim to ensure sustainable and enhanced services for our community. Our collective vision is to create a better future, where the needs of our community are met and their well-being is prioritized.

We extend our gratitude to the Catholic Relief Committee and its partners for organizing this impactful event. Together, we are working towards a brighter and more prosperous future for all.

نحن ممتنون للمشاركة في جلسة جولة المانحين التي نظمتها اللجنة الكاثوليكية للإغاثة وشركاؤها في يوم 10 مايو 2023. كانت هذه فرصةً مميزةً لمنظمة عنكاوا الإنسانية لعرض أنشطتنا ومشاريعنا  ورؤيتنا للمستقبل. خلال الحدث، كان لنا شرف تقديم عملنا للممثلين المرموقين من الخدمة الكاثوليكية للإغاثة، والمنظمة الدولية للهجرة، والوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية. كانت هذه منصة قيمة لتسليط الضوء على الجهود والإنجازات لدى منظمة عنكاوا الإنسانية، مع التأكيد على التزامنا بخدمة مجتمعنا. جلسة  المانحين كانت فرصة حاسمة لمناقشة تمكين المنظمات المحلية وإيجاد حلول للتغلب على التحديات. نهدف من خلال التعاون مع شركائنا المحترمين إلى ضمان توفير خدمات مستدامة ومحسنة لمجتمعنا. رؤيتنا المشتركة هي خلق مستقبل أفضل، حيث يتم تلبية احتياجات مجتمعنا ويتم تولي اهتمام برفاهيتهم. نعبر عن امتناننا للجنة الكاثوليكية للإغاثة وشركائها لتنظيم هذا الحدث الهام. معًا، نعمل نحو مستقبلٍ أكثر إشراقًا وازدهارًا للجميع.


Empowering Small Businesses in Erbil: Insights from THABAT Project’s Focused Group Discussions


As part of the THABAT project, an initiative aimed at supporting and empowering small businesses in Erbil governorate, we recently conducted focused group discussions with a number of small business owners. These discussions shed light on the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the area, emphasized the role of female business owners in the community, and highlighted the importance of promoting climate-friendly products. The objective of these sessions was to gather valuable insights and ideas to develop activities that would assist businesses in improving their sustainability and resilience in the face of market challenges.

Understanding the Challenges

During the focused group discussions, small business owners in Erbil openly shared the difficulties they encounter in their entrepreneurial journey. From limited access to capital and financial resources to bureaucratic hurdles, these challenges pose significant obstacles to the growth and success of small businesses. However, despite these difficulties, the entrepreneurs displayed remarkable determination and a strong desire to overcome these obstacles.

Empowering Female Business Owners

One notable aspect that emerged from the discussions was the crucial role played by female business owners in the local community. Many female entrepreneurs in Erbil have successfully established and managed their own businesses, contributing to the economic development of the region. However, they also face unique challenges, including gender biases and limited access to resources. The THABAT project recognizes the importance of empowering female business owners and aims to provide them with the necessary support, mentorship, and resources to thrive.

Promoting Climate-Friendly Products

Another significant topic that emerged from the discussions was the importance of promoting climate-friendly products. Small business owners in Erbil expressed a growing awareness of environmental issues and a desire to contribute to sustainability efforts. They recognized the potential of offering eco-friendly products to meet the evolving demands of consumers who prioritize environmentally conscious choices. The THABAT project encourages and supports small businesses in developing and promoting such products, providing guidance on sustainable practices and fostering a greener business ecosystem.

The THABAT Project: Support and Impact

The THABAT project, funded by USAID, plays a vital role in supporting and empowering local small businesses in Erbil governorate. Through the provision of small grants and mentorship, the project aims to foster an environment conducive to business growth. By addressing the specific challenges faced by entrepreneurs, particularly female business owners, THABAT aims to create a more inclusive and resilient business community.


The focused group discussions conducted as part of the THABAT project highlighted the challenges faced by small business owners in Erbil, the significance of female entrepreneurs, and the growing importance of climate-friendly products. By providing support, mentorship, and resources, the THABAT project endeavors to strengthen and sustain local businesses, enabling them to overcome obstacles and thrive in a competitive market. For more information about the THABAT project and its impact on local small businesses. 


بصفتنا جزءًا من مشروع ثابت، أجرينا مؤخرًا مناقشات مجموعية مركزة مع عدد من أصحاب الأعمال الصغيرة في أربيل! 💼 تسلطت الجلسات الضوء على التحديات التي يواجهها أصحاب الأعمال الصغيرة في المنطقة، ودور سيدات أصحاب الأعمال في المجتمع، وأهمية تعزيز المنتجات الصديقة للمناخ. 🌱 كما هدفت المناقشات إلى التعرف على الأفكار والمبادرات الجديدة في السوق لتصميم أنشطة يمكن أن تساعد الأعمال المختلفة على تحسين واستدامة عملها وزيادة فرصها في مواجهة التحديات السوقية.

يدعم مشروع ثابت، الذي يتم تمويله من قبل USAID، الأعمال الصغيرة المحلية في محافظة أربيل عن طريق تقديم المنح الصغيرة والإرشاد للمساعدة في نمو الأعمال.


AHC is volunteering and supporting humanitarian efforts in Syria and Turkey.

AHC is volunteering and supporting humanitarian efforts to those affected by the recent earthquakes in Syria and Turkey.
AHC staff and volunteers joined the Municipality of Ankawa @ankawa.directorate and Ankawa Civil society Organizations to accept, collect and arrange donations from the Ankawa community throughout 10-14 February, 2023.
Every little action can make a change in the lives of the affected communities from the earthquake.
Don’t forget to keep the victims in your prayers.

تشارك منظمة عنكاوا الإنسانية في الجهود التطوعية لدعم المتضررين من الزلازل الأخيرة في سوريا وتركيا. انضم موظفو ومتطوعو AHC مع بلدية عنكاوا ومختلف منظمات المجتمع المدني لأستلام وجمع وترتيب التبرعات من اهل عنكاوا خلال الفترة من 10 إلى 14 شباط (فبراير) 2023.
كل عمل مهما كان بسيطاً يمكن أن يحدث تغييراً في حياة المجتمعات المتضررة من الزلزال.
لا تنسوا ذكر الضحايا في صلاتكم.


USAID’s Senior Development Outreach and Communications Specialist to AHC

On January 18th 2023, USAID’s Senior Development Outreach and Communications Specialist, Mr German Acevedo and the USAID delegate visited AHC’s office during his short trip to Erbil.
The meeting offered the opportunity to discuss AHC’s communication strategy and the challenges AHC encounters when carrying out activities.

في 18 كانون الثاني (يناير) 2023 ، قام كبير أخصائيي التواصل و التنمية في الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية السيد جيرمان أسيفيدو ومندوبي الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية بزيارة مكتب منظمة عنكاوا الإنسانية خلال رحلته القصيرة إلى أربيل
وقد أتاح الاجتماع الفرصة لمناقشة استراتيجيات التواصل والتحديات التي تواجه منظمة عنكاوا الإنسانية عند تنفيذ الأنشطة


Christmas Basket

To share the Christmas joy and spirit with vulnerable families in Erbil, on December 19 and 20, 2022, the Chaldean Archdiocese of Erbil and Ankawa Humanitarian Committee, in partnership with the Ministry of Migration and Displacement (MOMD), delivered the “Christmas Basket” to approximately 700 displaced families.Each displaced family received three boxes of goods, covering (food basket, non-food item basket, and hygiene basket.)


Meet Noori, 69 Years Old Farmer from Atroosh, Duhok

Meet Noori, 69 years old farmer from Atroosh, Duhok. Noori has spent all his life farming different crops in his area. Still, the water shortage and hot weather due to climate change have made farming difficult in his region, affecting his ability to afford to farm his greenhouses. Noori received a holistic program for cultivating one season of cucumber in his greenhouse and participated in workshops conducted by AHC, where he learned about the impacts of climate change and the best approaches to mitigate their effects on agriculture.

تعرف على نوري ، المزارع ذي 69 عامًا من أتروش ، دهوك. قضى نوري حياته في زراعة محاصيل مختلفة في منطقته ، لكن نقص المياه والطقس الحار بسبب تغير المناخ جعل الزراعة في منطقته صعبة ، مما أثر على قدرته على تحمل تكاليف البيوت الزجاجية الزراعية. حصل نوري على برنامج شامل لزراعة موسم واحد من الخيار في بيته الزجاجي ، وشارك في ورش عمل نظمتها منظمة عنكاوا الإنسانية AHC حيث تعرف على آثار تغير المناخ وأفضل الأساليب للتخفيف من آثارها على الزراعة.


“Transgressions against Iraqi Christians and deliberate exclusion!” Cardinal Louis Raphael Saco

I want to share with you some of the concerns of Christians, more than half of whom emigrated, and the rest are on the (standby) list due to instabilities, the absence of equal opportunities, and justice of the law. Without considering, the Iraqi Christians are the indigenous people of the country and partners in the homeland!

Theater of The Absurd

Every once in a while, a Christian politician comes out to unbelievably declare that the Popular Mobilization Forces (Hashid) is divine! Although the Shiite authority itself did not use such a description. These politicians also use pictures of the Virgin Mary, the Lord Christ, and crosses in processions, as if we were in a crusade! Misusing religious symbols in the wrong places and times is considered a desecration!

A while ago, a Christian deputy appeared on Al-Ahed TV saying: “Sheikh Khazali applied the teachings of Christ and the morals of Christ….” With all due respect to His Eminence Sheikh Khazali, this description intersects with public morals. The honorable Sheikh is a Shiite Muslim who applies Islamic law, not Christian education. I do not understand why religions are involved and distorted in politics! These masks must be lifted!

Christians live in a state of frustration because of unfair personal status laws: the Islamization of minors and the Islamization of people forced to convert to Islam by al-Qaeda or ISIS under threat of death. I personally sought to return them to their Christian religious status in response to their request, but my requests were denied under the excuse of apostasy. This is not apostasy, but public coercion, because the choice of religious conversion is not made out of conviction and freedom but out of coercion!

Painful cases

There is a national law that states Christian employees (after leaving their governmental job due to retirement or emigration, or any other reason) are replaced by other Christians, but this is not being implemented due to sectarianism, bribery, and seizuring of jobs.
A couple of examples are mentioned, but the cases are not limited to only these; in one case, the minister signed an employment application for 5 Christian youths. However, the responsible manager refused to implement it and demanded a large sum (a blatant bribe)!

It was said that the Police College accepted 3,000 applications to join the police, but not a single Christian was hired among these, while I had personally submitted ten names.

Two weeks ago, a Christian who holds a Ph.D. degree and is a director in one of the ministries came to me and said, “people are fighting me and want me to give up my position so that someone else can seize it!”

A qualified Christian was appointed as a major general in an embassy, but after one week, he was taken off the position, and a non-christian was appointed in his place.

An attempt was made to exclude a well-known, respected, and professional woman, who clearly had the praise of her superiors, but she remained because she defended her right vigorously.

A few days ago, the head of the Investment Commission submitted her resignation, and according to the testimony of many, she was a sincere and honest person to her job and to Iraq. After her resignation, a campaign was launched questioning her certificate’s validity and defaming her reputation.

The list is long. These immoral behaviors will remain in the memory unless they are addressed.

In the Nineveh Plains, the concerns of Christians increased so much that they began to emigrate again! I was told Christian Families from Nineveh plain leave Iraq at a rate of 20 families per month due to the chaos, fragmentation, and favoritism created by sectarian militias!

How could a Christian or Muslim who believes in God commit such transgressions?

Who will protect these peaceful Christians who are loyal to their homeland if the state does not protect them? These are painful violations, and they have repercussions on Iraq’s reputation.

With agony, I say: If you do not wish us to remain equal citizens in our country, Iraq, then be honest about it! So that we can manage ourselves before it is too late.

Original Arabic Article: https://saint-adday.com/?p=51469

Article translated by: Ankawa Humanitarian Committee


Catholic Organizations in Iraq Meet and talk about persecuted Christians among other topics!

Catholic organizations working on service and relief projects in Iraq held a second meeting in Erbil at the invitation of the Ankawa Humanitarian Committee of the Chaldean Archdioecese of Erbil. Representatives of the participating Catholic organizations highlighted their most important challenges and achievements, including support for Christian minorities in the country.

The attendees discussed the main obstacles facing the work of Catholic organizations in Iraq, including the importance of strengthening and supporting ecclesiastical and pastoral work, and developing a systematic plan to support local churches by supporting various pastoral activities in them. The meeting also covered the crisis Christians face in the Nineveh Plain, as the lack of job opportunities leads to the emigration of many young people to other regions or countries.

Representatives of Catholic organizations also discussed the “Virgin Mary” IDP complex hosting displaced Christians in Baghdad, as the Baghdad Investment Directorate issued an order to evacuate before the end of this year, according to what the Iraqi government authorities announced. The meeting also discussed ways to support the Church in finding housing for the 120 families or about 400 displaced Christians living in the complex.

The representative of the papal nuncio, Father Charles Sona, participated in the meeting, in addition to representatives of Caritas Iraq, the Catholic Relief Services, the Jesuit Worldwide Learning, andfondazione giovanni paolo, in addition to several other organizations that provide various services in the country.

In a related context, Davide Bernocchi, the CRS country direcetor, said in an interview with “ACI MENA” that “Christians have an important role in social cohesion in Iraq,” adding: “The presence of Christians can’t be saved if they are isolated. They must be supported to be able to testify to their faith, through the projects that respond to all components of the community, strengthening the national cohesion in the country.”

Davide also praised the role played by the Catholic Church in Erbil during the ISIS invasion of Mosul, as it provided aid to all displaced people, regardless of their religious or ethnic affiliation. The Church gave an important testimony regarding the role of Christians in this country, following the example of the message of Jesus Christ.

For his part, Devar Sher, Executive Director of Ankawa Humanitarian Committee, said, “It is a joy that Catholic organizations meet regularly to discuss the challenges facing the community ” praising the important role that religious institutions can play in order to strengthen the Christian presence in Iraq. Devar hoped that these meetings would be held on a regular basis to coordinate projects and activities and better serve the vulnerable communities.


Current and Future Work Opportunities

On November 8, 2022, Mr. Todd Sorenson, USAID Office Director for Stabilization, Governance, and Economic Opportunities, and his accompanying USAID delegate visited the AHC office and discussed current work and future opportunities. Mr. Sorenson discussed USAID’s commitment to localization and shifting more leadership, ownership, decision-making, and implementation to the local people and institutions. The visit comes as AHC launched its USAID-funded Livelihood project last month to support micro and small enterprises in Erbil and provide sustainable solutions for local businesses.

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