
Yezdandokht St. Ankawa, Erbil, Iraq
+964 (0) 750 230 9873

Category: News

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Empowering Our Team: AHC Staff Training on Project Management and Proposal Writing​

Empowering Our Team: AHC Staff Training on Project Management and Proposal Writing

The Ankawa Humanitarian Committee (AHC) recently organized a comprehensive three-day training program for its staff, thanks to the generous support of USAID. This training focused on enhancing essential skills in project management and proposal writing, key areas critical to our ongoing efforts in community service and development.

The sessions were designed to be highly interactive, incorporating practical exercises and in-depth discussions that facilitated a deeper understanding of the topics. Through these hands-on activities, participants were able to immediately apply the concepts learned, ensuring a more robust and practical grasp of project management techniques and effective proposal writing strategies.

AHC places a high value on continuous learning and fostering a culture of collaboration across all its departments. This holistic approach ensures that team members are not only well-versed in their individual roles but also knowledgeable about the responsibilities of their colleagues. Such cross-functional understanding is vital for seamless cooperation and efficiency within our organization.

By investing in these skills, AHC aims to strengthen its overall capabilities and enhance the quality of services we provide to the community. This training initiative underscores our commitment to professional development, reflecting our mission to foster sustainable development and create a positive impact in the region.

We are grateful to USAID for their support, which made this valuable training possible. As we continue to build our team’s expertise, we remain dedicated to our goal of driving meaningful change and supporting the growth and well-being of our community.


Nurturing Young Minds: AHC’s Climate Change Session at Bahshet Kindergarten

Nurturing Young Minds: AHC's Climate Change Session at Bahshet Kindergarten

In a recent initiative supported by the Climate Change Responsive Schools project and funded by Embrace the Middle East, the Ankawa Humanitarian Committee (AHC) conducted an informative and engaging session on climate change at Bahshet Kindergarten. This session was designed to provide our young learners with age-appropriate insights into the pressing environmental issues our world faces today.

Understanding the importance of starting environmental education early, AHC crafted a program that not only informed but also engaged the children through interactive learning. Educational games were distributed to make the learning process enjoyable and effective, ensuring the concepts of climate change were accessible and memorable for the kindergarteners.

In addition to the informative session, AHC actively involved the children in tree planting activities. This hands-on experience allowed the young students to connect with nature and understand the significance of planting trees as a measure to combat climate change. The joy and excitement on their faces as they participated in these activities were truly heartwarming.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Embrace the Middle East for their generous support, which made this educational endeavor possible. Their commitment to fostering climate awareness from a young age aligns perfectly with our mission at AHC to build a more sustainable and conscious community.

By nurturing the curiosity and understanding of our youngest generation, we are planting the seeds for a greener, more environmentally responsible future. We look forward to continuing our work in environmental education and making a lasting impact on the minds of young learners.


Empowering Entrepreneurs: A Recap of the THABAT Tradeshow Organized by AHC

Empowering Entrepreneurs: A Recap of the THABAT Tradeshow Organized by AHC

Ankawa Humanitarian Committee (AHC) continues to demonstrate its unwavering commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and economic empowerment within the community. In line with this mission, AHC recently hosted a remarkable tradeshow as part of its livelihood project, THABAT. The event served as a platform for participants to showcase their diverse products and services, connect with potential customers, and expand their professional network.

Held in early March, the tradeshow was a testament to the dedication and perseverance of the entrepreneurs involved in the THABAT project. With the generous support of USAID, AHC orchestrated an event that not only celebrated the achievements of small businesses but also provided them with invaluable opportunities for growth and development.

The tradeshow was more than just a marketplace; it was a vibrant hub of creativity and innovation. Participants seized the chance to exhibit their unique offerings, from handmade crafts to specialized services, each reflecting the passion and talent of its creator. Through engaging with visitors and fellow entrepreneurs, they showcased their products and shared their stories and experiences, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

One of the event’s highlights was a tailored session on marketing mechanisms designed to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge to enhance their business strategies. Led by Ameen Hadeed, a skilled trainer and professional business expert, this session provided valuable insights into effective marketing techniques, enabling entrepreneurs to confidently navigate the competitive landscape.

As we reflect on the success of the tradeshow, we are filled with pride for all the participants and their dedication to their craft. Their hard work and determination have not gone unnoticed, and we are confident that they will continue to thrive and succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

At AHC, we remain committed to supporting small businesses and empowering individuals to achieve economic self-sufficiency. The THABAT tradeshow exemplifies our ongoing efforts to create opportunities for community growth, collaboration, and prosperity.

AHC extends our heartfelt gratitude to USAID for their generous support and to all the participants, volunteers, and partners who contributed to the success of this event. Together, we are building a brighter future for entrepreneurs and communities alike.

Stay tuned for more updates and initiatives from AHC as we continue our journey towards sustainable development and positive change.


Education and Togetherness: Empowering Communities in Baharka and Kasnazan

Education and Togetherness: Empowering Communities in Baharka and Kasnazan

Many regions face the challenge of integrating diverse populations, including internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees. In Baharka and Kasnazan, the Ankawa Humanitarian Committee (AHC) recently concluded a successful project, “Together through Teaching,” that aimed to tackle this challenge head-on.
Launched in November 2023 with the support of USAID, the project sought to empower educators, foster social cohesion, and promote unity within communities welcoming IDPs and refugees. Recognizing the potential of education to bridge divides, AHC implemented a two-pronged approach:

Empowering Educators: Traditional teaching methods might not always cater to the diverse needs of students in communities with varied backgrounds. AHC addressed this by providing educators with intensive training on modern, engaging teaching techniques. This included equipping them with tools to create inclusive classrooms that recognize and celebrate the unique strengths and experiences of each student.

Fostering Unity: The project’s impact extended beyond the classroom walls. AHC actively worked to build bridges between teachers, students, and residents. This fostered a sense of unity, collaboration, and mutual understanding, crucial ingredients for building resilient and inclusive communities.

The success of “Together through Teaching” demonstrates the transformative power of education in promoting social cohesion and unity. By empowering educators and fostering collaboration, AHC is not only enriching the educational experience for students in Baharka and Kasnazan, but also paving the way for a brighter future where diverse communities can thrive together.
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AHC Welcomes Mar Qaradagh International School for an Inspiring Economics & Business Class Field Trip

We are thrilled to share the exciting news of Ankawa Humanitarian Committee (AHC) playing host to the brilliant minds of Mar Qaradagh International School during their recent Economics & Business class field trip. It was an exceptional and enriching experience for both parties as we delved into meaningful discussions about the impactful work that AHC tirelessly dedicates itself to within our community.

During the visit, we had the opportunity to showcase the various facets of AHC’s humanitarian efforts, giving the students valuable insights into the initiatives that contribute to the betterment of our society. The exchange of ideas and knowledge fostered a dynamic learning environment, and we were genuinely impressed by the enthusiasm and eagerness to learn displayed by the students of Mar Qaradagh  School.

A heartfelt shoutout to Mar Qaradagh School for their proactive engagement and genuine interest in understanding the intricacies of economics, business, and community service. Together, we are actively shaping a future where communities survive, thrive, and flourish. This collaborative effort between AHC and Mar Qaradagh School exemplifies the power of education and community partnership in paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.

Thank you for joining us on this journey towards positive change and community development. Together, we make a difference.


A Successful Conclusion to the Climate Change Responsive Schools Project

Championing Environmental Consciousness: A Successful Conclusion to the Climate Change Responsive Schools Project

As we bid farewell to February, we also mark the conclusion of the impactful Climate Change Responsive Schools project (CCRS). In January of 2023, the Ankawa Humanitarian Committee (AHC) launched the CCRS project with the direct and generous support of Embrace the Middle East, bringing about positive change in Ankawa, Erbil. The project was dedicated to enhancing the understanding and knowledge of school students and communities, with a particular focus on imparting basic climate knowledge and promoting eco-friendly alternatives.

What is the CCRS Project?

The CCRS project’s core objectives revolved around eliminating plastic bottle use and cultivating students’ knowledge about climate change and sustainability. By addressing the excessive use of single-use plastics and implementing improved waste management practices, the project paved the way for a greener and healthier school environment. The strategic emphasis on schools signifies a critical step in addressing climate change at its roots.

Climate Literacy Awareness Workshops

A cornerstone of the CCRS project was the implementation of educational workshops designed to enhance climate-sensitive awareness among school students. Before these sessions, the project team engaged in thorough focus group discussions to gauge the students’ climate change literacy. Based on these insights, a tailored curriculum was developed and presented in both Arabic and English, ensuring that students received a comprehensive understanding of climate change.

Recognizing the pivotal role of teachers in this endeavor, the project team also developed a curriculum for educators, encompassing topics such as the significance of climate literacy, understanding climate change, differentiating between weather and climate, human influence on climate change, and practical tips for mitigating its impact.

Water Filtering and Cooling Systems

The project implemented water filtering and cooling systems to ensure safe and sustainable drinking water for students. This initiative aimed to provide a healthier water source, eliminating the reliance on plastic bottles. The installation of these systems not only contributes to the practical application of knowledge acquired during awareness sessions and reduces waste within the school environment.

Reusable Water Bottles

A pivotal project element involved providing students with reusable water bottles, actively working to decrease reliance on single-use plastics, and mitigating plastic waste. This initiative promotes environmental sustainability and instills a sense of individual responsibility among students, encouraging them to contribute actively to an eco-friendlier school environment.

Green Policy

A significant achievement of the CCRS project was the development of the Green Policy, aimed at heightening awareness regarding individual impacts on the environment. This policy fosters advocacy for behaviors contributing to environmental enhancement and encourages ownership and responsibility for classrooms and the overall school environment. Sections within the policy cover energy consumption, water conservation, paper use, waste prevention, procurement, curriculum, teaching, and monitoring and review.

Crucially, the CCRS project team recommended establishing a Green Committee within the school to ensure continued efforts toward improving the school’s green profile. This committee, including students and teachers, ensures diverse insights and interventions for sustained environmental care.


As the CCRS project concludes, it leaves a legacy of positive change and heightened environmental consciousness, shaping a future where schools and communities actively contribute to a healthier, more sustainable planet.


AHC’s THABAT Project in Action

Empowering Erbil's Micro-Business Owners: AHC's THABAT Project in Action

In October, the Ankawa Humanitarian Committee (AHC) embarked on a transformative journey by initiating the THABAT project, fueled by USAID’s direct and generous support. This endeavor is specifically tailored to uplift micro-business owners in Erbil, aiming to equip them with the tools and knowledge necessary for success.

What is the THABAT Project?

The THABAT project, a joint effort between AHC and USAID, stands as a beacon for small business owners in Erbil. Focused on overcoming local market challenges, the project’s core goal is to elevate livelihoods by empowering micro-business owners and assisting them in overcoming sector-specific obstacles. Achieving this objective involves tailored support, resource provision, and comprehensive training programs covering various business management topics.

THABT Project direction sign at the Cathloic University of Erbil, Ankawa, Erbil, October 2023.
Business Management Training

From October through November, AHC implemented targeted business management training for project participants. The curriculum homed in on essential knowledge and skills encompassing business administration, marketing strategies, and financial planning. These courses were strategically designed to empower participants with the adaptability required in the local market, understand customer needs, and effectively position their products or services. The conclusion of these training sessions saw participants receiving certifications and acknowledging their acquired knowledge and practices. This formal recognition is a testament to their professional growth and development commitment.

A business management trainer during one of THABAT's business management training at the Catholic University of Erbil, Ankawa, Erbil, October 2023
Project participants celebrating their completion of the business management training
Small Grants for Business Growth

Integral to the THABAT project is the provision of small grants to participants. These grants are crucial financial support, enabling entrepreneurs to invest in their businesses, procure necessary equipment or inventory, and implement growth strategies. By strategically deploying these grants, the project aims to foster growth and sustainability among small businesses, ultimately enhancing economic opportunities and improving livelihoods.

Project participant receiving her 2nd installment of grant

The THABAT project, made possible by the unwavering support from USAID, orchestrated specialized training sessions covering critical business domains. These sessions equipped indigenous micro-business proprietors in Erbil with essential tools to enhance their operational efficacy. By imparting contemporary business management methodologies, ensuring enduring sustainability, and fostering prosperity, the THABAT project stands as a testament to the commitment to aiding micro-business owners in Erbil, systematically addressing challenges within the local market landscape.


Promoting AHC Work in The U.S.

Promoting AHC Work in The U.S

A delegation from Ankawa Humanitarian Committee (AHC) led by the Executive Director, in partnership with CRS, visited the United States to network with key stakeholders in May and June 2023. The team had a unique opportunity to meet with various governmental and non-governmental institutions, such as USAID, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the Office of International Religious Freedom at the U.S. Department of State (IRF), the Chaldean Diocese of Detroit, and other faith-based organizations, to introduce AHC and its work. The trip resulted in positive outcomes, as AHC effectively communicated the needs of Iraqi communities, emphasizing their local expertise. Additionally, the visits expanded AHC’s network and fostered meaningful relationships to enhance their service to the Iraqi community.

بالتعاون مع جمعية الاغاثة الكاثوليكية ، قام وفد من منظمة عنكاوا الإنسانية بقيادة المدير التنفيذي بزيارة الى الولايات المتحدة للتواصل مع جهات معنية رئيسية في مايو ويونيو 2023. حظي الفريق بفرصة فريدة للقاء مؤسسات حكومية وغير حكومية مختلفة في واشنطن وديترويت، مثل الوكالة الامريكية للتنمية (USAID)، وتجمع الأساقفة الكاثوليك في الولايات المتحدة (USCCB)، ومكتب حرية الدين الدولية في وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية (IRF)، وأبرشية الكلدان في ديترويت، ومنظمات دينية أخرى، لتقديم المنظمة وعملها. أسفرت الرحلة عن نتائج إيجابية، حيث نجح الفريق بتوصيل احتياجات المجتمع المحلي، مؤكدة خبرتهم المحلية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قامت الزيارات بتوسيع شبكة تواصل المنظمة وتعزيز العلاقات لتتحسين خدمتها للمجتمع العراقي.



Business Meeting with USAID Mission Director

Business Meeting with USAID Mission Director

On July 27, 2023, Vana Handola, AHC Executive Director, along with other local Iraqi NGOs attended a business lunch with Elise Jensen, USAID/ Iraq Mission Director, in Erbil. AHC and the other local organizations had the opportunity to discuss on-going projects, the challenges faced by local actors, and the unwavering support from international partners. Most Importantly, the meeting touched on localization and efforts to promote it and empowering local actors to make a difference. Elise Jensen applauded local operators’ impressive work.


التقت السيدة فانا حندولا، المديرة التنفيذية لمنظمة عنكاوا الانسانية، مع ممثلين آخرين من المنظمات غير الحكومية في العراق خلال وجبة غداء مع السيدة إليس جنسن، مديرة بعثة الوكالة الامريكية للتنمية الدولية (USAID) في العراق، في مدينة أربيل يوم 27 يوليو 2023. وخلال الاجتماع، كان لدى منظمة عنكاوا والمنظمات المحلية الأخرى فرصة لمناقشة المشاريع الجارية والتحديات التي تواجه الجهات الفاعلة المحلية، بالإضافة إلى الدعم الذي يأتي من الشركاء الدوليين. من جهى اخرى، تطرق الاجتماع إلى مناقشة مناصرة المحلية والعمل المحلي والجهود المبذولة لتعزيزه وتمكين المشاركين المحليين لإحداث فارق إيجابي. وأشادت إليس جنسن بالعمل المبدع الذي يقوم به المشاركون المحليون.


THABAT Project: Focus Group Discussions

AHC Conducts Focus Group Discussions for THABAT Project

Discovering inspiring stories! 

AHC connects with passionate small business owners in Erbil, learning about their work, challenges, and dreams. Through the THABAT project supported by USAID, we provide support including training, marketing strategies, and small funds to fuel their growth and success. Join us in creating a thriving business community! 

اكتشاف قصص ملهمة!  تواصل منظمة عنكاوا الإنسانية مع أصحاب الأعمال الصغيرة في أربيل، للتعرف على عملهم وتحدياتهم في السوق المحلية. من خلال مشروع ثبات، المدعوم من USAID، نقدم الدعم اللازم، بما في ذلك التدريب واستراتيجيات التسويق والتمويل الصغير، لتعزيز نموهم ونجاحهم. انضم إلينا في بناء مجتمع رائد!